A Friday that is good and great, pious and profuse with tears.

A Friday that is good and great, pious and profuse with tears. 
THERE is this question posed by a great theoretician of Catholic and, yes (let us extend the dialogue) Christian practices. 
For all those who are not in the know, there could be two kinds of Catholicity: 
(1) The mainline Catholic that includes the Holy Roman Catholic Church, but is not the only one, because, one, we have to account the Armenian Church, the Greek Othodox, the Russian, and so on across (but not) the line. The trouble is that the HRCC became a tool of the imperial dreams of someone else, thus, this trouble between empire and faith, colonization and salvation, and oppression and liberation. Are these one and the same banana? 
(2) The 'schismatic' and breakaway groups that continue to test the HRCC. Think of those who have been excommunicated like Boff, and now, the current bishops like Faure challenging the aims of the Vatican Council II, and wanted, for all intents and purposes, to go back to the pre-Vatican Council II practices, ideas, throught, and way of administering the spirit of men, women, and children. 
Luther, centuries ago, comes to mind here, when he posted those theses on the wall of a church, and there declared that faith is not supposed to be sold to the highest bidder. 
And the Church of England? Ah, that is another question. 
Now comes the question raised by our dear Tony Igcalinos: what about this theology of 'Good Friday' becoming 'OK Friday' and not that 'eight sense' of 'good' in the English language nor the 'Kar' sense of the Germanic 'care and concern' of 'sorrowful Friday'?
Indeed, there is so much to do in this new area of inquiry we call 'theolinguistics' (or whatever its formulation will be in the years ahead). 
All told, this theolinguistics is one that is going to make things clear for us by looking into the roots of all these received terms, received concepts, received ideas, and received terminologies so that if these are wrong we: 
(1) can correct them, and 
(2) can offer an alternative theolinguistic term. 
This last one should be more liberating, or so we hope. 
And more honest, or so we hope. 
Not bad for a faith that continues to seek its soul, whether on Good Friday, on Okey Friday, or on Sorrowing Friday, the veil of lamentation ('manto', this, for the Ilokano) included so we can await for the 'lauya' day (that is Ilokano too!), when the soup smells so darn good.

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