The Road to the Villa of the King

Putting their names together, Estrada and Revilla. 

WE CAN NOW make sense out of this nonsense that has become our entertainment during the last few months. 

It looks like something good is going to happen, with Lady Justice, the weighing scale firmly on her hand, doing her job, and doing that job she knows best: Dispensing justice so swiftly it is so sweet.

We look into the names, and we are surprised of this possibity: that when you combine their last names--Estrada and Revilla--we have a calculus of meaning that tells us exactly where we should go: THE ROAD TO THE VILLA OF THE KING.

The road--Estrada--is the road to justice.

The villa--the concrete place of justice--is the masses' sacred place, the place of the social contract where that membership in a body politic is inaugurated, celebrated, and defended for always.

And then the reference to the king, in the 'rey' in the revilla: the king.

The king is the metaphor for the suffering people, the king (pardon the sexist reference and allusion) demanding service, including service in the name of what is just and fair.

It has been reported by GMA News two hours ago that Senator Estrada will soon find the road to Senator Revilla's cell, and there, with the roaches and rats and the loneliness of caressing cold prison bars, the two will talk about ways to save their beloved country and their beloved people from perdition.

We have prayed enough for our country.

Perhaps at this time, we need to act.

In acting, we will soon find the road to the king's villa, the king's place, the king's promised haven, refuge, home.

23 Jun 2014

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