The unholy Philippine trinity: national language, nationalism, and patriotism.

The unholy Philippine trinity: national language, nationalism, and patriotism.

THIS WE MUST SAY: the Philippines up until today, is in this phantasmagoria, "a sequence of real or imaginary images as if in a dream." [New Oxford American Dictionary]

It is dreaming of something grand and grandiose: the making of a nation state that speaks one and only one language, the national language, yes, that schizophrenic national language (or dialect for Filipino) called Tagalog/P/Filipino.

One day soon, they say, the Philippines will be speaking one and only one language, and because it speaks one and only one language, it will become like Japan, Germany, France, Spain (but Spain has confessed its sin of homogenizing, and it has made amends), Italy, and Australia (but Australia has realized its mistake of turning every aborigine into English-speaking Aussie, and now, it is correcting that mistake).

The carrot is that there is an equation between national language and progress.

The bait is that there is an equation between national language and development.

We tried in the Philippines this big mistake, and for 79 years we had turned everyone into Tagalog-speaking person, and those infected with the Tagalogistic mindset are now so triumphal we now have the 'national language'.

One thing these people cannot show is this: the sanctity, holiness, reality, and facticity of that trinity they have been vending to us for almost eight decades.




The trinity on which their phantasmagoria is founded is unholy.

It is not sacred.

It is not true.

It is not real.


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