The Cultural and Creative Writing Space Drawn Up by GUMIL Hawai'i

(This essay is intended to put in context the contribution of GUUMIL Hawai'i to the negotiation of space for Ilokano writers in the diaspora. Its genesis was years ago when I was just a member of the GUMIL Filipinas looking in--and from the outside, looking for the good things and those that were not so good for the sight. For we had all those--as it is today--these social dramas authored by writers in the Philippines and in exile.)

In a couple of years, GUMIL Hawai'i will soon celebrate its 40th year of service to the Ilokano-American community in the United States, most especially, in the State of Hawai'i. While there are some detractors of the contribution of GH to the formation of what could be called 'creative writing consciousness' among Ilokanos in Hawai'i--and I dare say that some of the points raised against this organization suggest organization flaws rather than failures--GH has remained through the years, scars and wounds, and all.

It is called steadfastness and persevering spirit.

It is called boldness and daring.

On February

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